"Jew Too? - Tales of the Mixed Multitude" is a podcast celebrating the growing diversity of the American Jewish family.
Episode 1: Grandparents
In this premiere episode, get a little background on the current American-Jewish landscape, intermarriage-wise, and hear the stories of three Jewish women who grew up with Jewish and Christian grandparents.
Featuring: Rabbi Marisa Elana James, Stephanie Selekman, and Rabbi Marley Weiner.
Episode 2: Jewish and Catholic
Hear from Jews who have Catholics in their families. Toni and Zack have Catholic moms and Jewish dads, Eileen’s brother is Catholic, and David’s step-brother converted to Catholicism.
Featuring: Rabbi David Eber, Eileen and Zach Fox, Tony Resnick, and Rabbi Zachary Weiner
Episode 3: Patrilineal Descent
Meet some Patrilineal Jews: dads who are Jewish, moms who are (or at the time of their child’s birth were) anything but.
Featuring: Stephanie Selekman, Rabbi Marley Weiner, and Rabbi-to-be May Ye
Episode 4: Intermarried Rabbinical Students
Meet two Reconstructionist rabbis married to loving, supportive partners...who happen not to be Jews.
Featuring: Rabbi Sandra Lawson and Rabbi Mickey Hess-Webber
Note that at the time of recording both guests were still students.
Episode 5: December Delights
Hear stories from “Jew Too” listeners who celebrate multiple holidays in December, or who bring loved ones of other faiths into Hanukkah celebrations
Featuring: Rabbi Marisa Elana James, Shosh Lovett-Graff, Rachel Brustein, Rabbi Jake Best Adler, Rowyn Golde, Robert Silver, Ruth Bile, Chris Blevins, Cast and Crew of “Hamilton”
Episode 6: Jews by Choice, Y’all
Meet 3 Jews raised in homes where Judaism wasn't practiced, who entered into Judaism formally as adults. Their other shared trait? They're all from the South: Louisiana, Texas, and Georgia, to be exact.
Featuring: Chris Blevins, Cantor Stefano Iacono, and Anne Gregory Teicher
Episode 7: Four Questions for Passover
Meet 3 Jewish clergy who have stories to tell about Judaism, Passover, and welcoming.
Featuring: Rabbi Elyssa Cherney, Rabbi Margo Hughes-Robinson, and Cantor Lianna Mendelson
Episode 8: Warm, Welcoming, Reform
Meet 3 Reform Jews with experiences of deep welcome within the Reform community for themselves and for their dear ones who are not Jewish.
Featuring: Ezra Buchdahl, Rabbi Chayva Lehrman, Rachel Loria
Episode 9: A Cohen Family Case Study- Part 1
Meet the Cohens: representatives of 3 generations of an American-Jewish (or Jewish-American) family. This episode offers space for each Cohen to share about experiences of upbringing and Jewish connective points. This is a 2-part episode.
Featuring (in order of appearance): Fred Cohen, Judy Hobbs Cohen, Mort Cohen, Doris Fine, Isabel Cohen Haque, Olivia Cohen
Episode 9 1/2: A Cohen Family Case Study- Part 2
Re-meet the Cohens: representatives of 3 generations of an American-Jewish (or Jewish-American) family. This episode offers space to discuss components of Jewish identity from vastly different perspectives.
Featuring (in order of appearance): Olivia Cohen, Isabel Cohen Haque, Doris Fine, Mort Cohen
Episode 10: Intermarriage and HUC
Meet Rabi Lex and Rabbi Jessica—graduates of ALEPH who have experiences of being intermarried— and Rabbi Daniel, a Reform rabbi and child of an intermarried couple. The three of them share their experiences, and their take, on HUC's intermarriage policy.
Featuring: Rabbi Daniel Kirzane, Rabbi Lex Rofeberg, and Rabbi Jessica K. Shimberg
Episode 11: My Mother the Minister
“Jew Too” is back with a live episode featuring two people raising Jewish children in world that’s only been possible for the last few decades.
Featuring: Reverend Barbara Becker, Isaac Luria, and Reverend Donna Schaper
Episode 12: “Warm and Welcoming?” Reflections on Congregational Inclusivity
In this episode, meet Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie of Lab/Shul and Rabbi Shuli Passow of B'nai Jeshurun: two clergy who have experiences of seeking, offering, and enhancing welcome in diverse Jewish spaces. Rabbi Amichai and Rabbi Shuli share their stories of navigating our shifting Jewish world and reconciling their needs and desires with a number of communities.
Episode 13: “Merry—um—Holidays!” Chrismukkah and Other Compromises
In this episode, meet Cecily, who became Jewish shortly before her wedding many years ago, and Jenny and Lucy, a mother and daughter who are part of a multiheritage family. In this episode, we delve into big questions about secular vs. religious traditions, how to navigate Hanukkah in a society where Christmas is everywhere, and whether or not getting a Christmas tree is indeed a bad idea for Jews.
Episode 14: “Marry Me?” Conversation with Rabbis and Multiheritage Couples
In this episode, we hear from 2 NYC-based Rabbi—Roly Matalon of B'nai Jeshurun and Amichai Lau-Lavie of Lab/Shul—along with 2 interfaith couples— Jewish & Muslim couple Danielle and Aamir, & Jewish & Christian couple Lisa and John-- about the joys, challenges, complexities, and gifts religiously diverse families bring.
Episode 15: “But You Don’t Look Jewish” Race in Jewish Space
In this episode, meet Yitz Jordon (Y-LOVE) and Kim Cohen, two Jews of Color in New York City. We dig into their stories of navigating Jewish communities where white Jews are - accurately or not - considered normative, and discuss questions of history, belonging, race in the American and Jewish contexts, and the hope for a multiculturally-grounded future.
Episode 16: “To Jew or not to Jew?” Contemporary Thoughts on Conversion
Meet Beryl, Luis, and Sian— 3 Jews who converted to Judaism. In this episode, they share stories of growing up in different religious and secular home, seeking out spaces that felt spiritually and religiously consonant, and of their multiple identities intersecting as Jews in New York City.
Special Episode: Solidarity March Against Anti-Semitism
On January 5, 2020, Jews and allies from around the NYC area and beyond, gathered to march in response to a significant uptick in antisemitic attacks. Along the way, I became a bit of a field reporter and spoke with a number of folks, asking them to share about why they were present and how their own politics intersect with their Judaism.